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eastern fence lizard การใช้

  • Eastern fence lizard ( Sceloporus undulatus ) with turquoise markings
  • The eastern fence lizard is common throughout the Eastern United States, with the exception of New York and New England.
  • Because of this, eastern fence lizards have adapted to have longer legs and new behaviours to escape the red imported fire ant.
  • Three of New York's five known eastern fence lizard communities are found in Hudson Highlands State Park, near the northern end of its range.
  • Described in 1956 as " Sceloporus undulatus cowlesi ", subspecies of the eastern fence lizard, DNA studies elevated the southwestern fence lizard to species status.
  • The "'eastern fence lizard "'( " Sceloporus undulatus " ) is a medium-sized species of lizard found along forest edges, rock piles, and rotting logs or stumps in the eastern United States.
  • The eastern fence lizard is found in Florida Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Southern Illinois, Southern Indiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Missouri, West Virginia, Mississippi, Delaware, northern Florida, southern Wyoming, and southern New Jersey.
  • It is believed that red imported fire ants have a strong impact on many herpetofauna species; scientists have noted population declines in the Florida kingsnake ( " Lampropeltis getula floridana " ), and eggs and adults of the eastern fence lizard ( " Sceloporus undulatus " ) and six-lined racerunner ( " Aspidoscelis sexlineata " ) are a source of food.